K5 CLUB - Atabayan


  • Philippines
  • Volunteerism

Contact details

Mission statement

MISSION: To inculcate youth individual through education, sports, social involvement and personal development as to improve youths’ confidence, establish good relationship, and provide trainings through skills enhancement program, involvement in public and civic affairs, leadership development and equipped them to have positive values.

<div>K5 CLUB is a youth organization that aims to provide the basic aspects of life to every youth within our community. We are God-fearing and law abiding citizen, we obey the Rules and Regulations and the Core Values of the organization: Service, Harmony and Virtue.<br /> <br /> Our objectives are the following:<br /> • To help develop physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well-being of every youth.<br /> • To help inculcate youth patriotism and nationalism.<br /> • To encourage youth involvement in public and civic affairs.<br /> • To have harmonious relationship among every youth in our community.</div>