Correspondent / Writer (Partner Relations) for iVolunteer Philippines

Children & Youth | Sep 04, 2015 | Volunteer Event

[UPDATE] Those who have signed up as of 24 August 2015 were sent an invitation for the iVolunteer Orientation. Please check your email.

iVolunteer Philippines would like to invite YOU to join our energetic and dedicated team, enable more and more Filipinos to begin their volunteer journey with us.

Every Filipino Volunteering to Build a Better Nation Every Day

At iVolunteer Philippines, we believe that all Filipinos, especially the youth, can be heroes - by devoting their time, talent and treasure to advocacies that they are deeply passionate about.

 Our team is committed to sparking that interest and love for Volunteerism, enough to move people to stand up and take action - consequently making Volunteering a lifestyle.


What You Will Do

You will be visiting existing NGO / NPO Partners of iVolunteer, to interview their staff / officers / founders / beneficiaries and create an article about the organization. The goal of the articles is to educate our volunteers about these organizations and inspire others of the good work done by the organization and their community. These stories may be shared in our iVolunteer Blog and YouTube accounts.

Time Commitment

New Staff are initially engaged in one project typically 2-3 months long. At the end of the project, we can revisit your interest for longer term commitment.

How to Join

1.     Click the Count Me In button at the top right of the page to sign up

2.     Expect an iVolunteer Internals staff to contact you, using the email and mobile number you have provided, and invite you to an iVolunteer Orientation schedule


Reach out to us through and we will be happy to provide you more details!

Metro Manila

Sep 04, 2015

11:05 PM - 11:05 PM


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Goal: 2


0 more volunteers needed

Event Done